Tomcat Server Hosting

Introduction, Tomcat Server Hosting by HostRunWay

Tomcat server is application server software from the Apache Software Foundation that is designed to execute Java servlets and rendering of Web pages that include Java Server web page scripting and coding. It is a well-tailored to fit the “reference implementation" of both the Java Servlet and the Java Server Page specifications, Tomcat is a renowned product formed by coordination and collaboration of open source projects by competent developers and is readily available at the Apache Web site in both dual and source versions. Tomcat has a diverse application scope that well suites both standalone and distributed web server scripting , it has an internal Web server designed to support the development of standalone as well as the ability to integrate and cooperate with other Web servers, including Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server , Microsoft Web Server, and Netscape Enterprise Server. Tomcat requires a host machine to have a Java Runtime Enterprise Environment installed and should conform to JRE 1.1 or later.

Why need tomcat server?

High availability -The tomcat server high-availability feature facilitates the scheduling of system upgrades without affecting its physical environment. It has an essential feature in tomcat hosting that facilitates the handling of customer needs on high-traffic websites. It features both user- and system-based web applications provisions supporting the deployment across different platforms. It also attempts to manage sessions and applications available across networks.

Benefits of Tomcat Server Hosting:

Flexibility - The most notable benefit to this server is flexibility. For instance, suppose a user wants to run Apache on a single physical server while running the Tomcat service with its actual tomcat JSP and servlets on a different machine, this is possible with Tomcat.

Security - Most companies who employ this method have enjoyed an improved and sophisticated level of security, this is the case because with Tomcat server installed behind another firewall it can only be accessible through the Apache server.

Stability - It is another key advantage of tomcat server hosting. In case a significant failure occurs within Tomcat causing it to fail completely, only your servlets and JSP pages would be affected therefore offering a way to use some of your Apache Service.

Features of Tomcat Server:

Tomcat implements the Servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2 specifications.

It requires a minimum of Java version 1.6, although earlier versions can run on Java 1.1 through 1.5.

Simplicity, scalability, and portability in Tomcat server hosting.

A full package installation and Apache Tomcat server hosting enable developers to almost effortlessly build and check for any connected web applications. It also simplifies and narrows down its organization and application prioritizing tasks for Tomcat admins. Tomcat Server is fully built and integrated on Tomcat, with a guaranteed consistency in the core Tomcat code.

Apache Tomcat is one of the world’s leading application server software due to its extensive use, with over a million downloads per month and about 70% popularity in the enterprise data center. Apache Tomcat server hosting lightweight effortlessness provides a strong and cheap application platform that rarely faces difficulties with legacy JEE platforms. This has assured an established recognition among application developers’ platforms.

Usually, most applications are grouped into various production servers; however, administrators need adequate tools to automate and regulate the application release process, reducing tedious manual work and the associated resulting errors. Additionally, administrators and developers equally often require full transparency in the performance metrics to enable them locate performance issues before they arise therefore they can quickly put up counter measures without relying on presumption. Tomcat server delivers these robust capabilities and widespread customization features as a bonus, which has really boosted its popularity.

Facts You Must Know About Us :)

Apache Tomcat is one of the world’s leading application server software due to its extensive use, with over a million downloads per month and about 70% popularity in the enterprise data center. Apache Tomcat server hosting lightweight effortlessness provides a strong and cheap application platform that rarely faces difficulties with legacy JEE platforms. This has assured an established recognition among application developers’ platforms.

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What kind of an application you want to run in the server?

You need to figure out the characteristic or the nature of the application that you want to run in the server. Doing this beforehand will help you understand the server requirement and you will be able to choose the plan accordingly.

How much RAM, hard drive and CPU is required?

While choosing a server, you must keep the basic components of it in mind. Make sure you have a clear understanding of how much CPU, hard drive space and RAM is required.

What version of database is required?

The more advanced version of database you use, the better the performance of the server will be. At the same time, it might affect the cost of the package as well. Hence, be careful to determine the database version. HostRunway offer support on wide range of data bases that includes MYSQL, MS SQL, Oracle and POSTGRE.

What kind of server managed service is required?

Server managed service is something that you should be very specific about. This is what will ensure the availability and the performance of the server. Be a little detailed while explaining the service that you require as this will help the service provider meet your requirements in the best possible way. We offer managed services support on network level, OS level, application level, back up and DR level.

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