Cloud Storage

Running Out of Storage?

So, you had procured 1 TB of SAN Storage a year back, when you had opened up your organization. It burned a small hole in your pocket but you were at least satisfied that hence forth you will not have a dearth of storing your data. (Not for the next couple of years at least!)

A year passed on. Your organization grew by leaps and bounds. Your profit margin increased but so did the number of resources at your disposal and with them the data at hand. Your operations have grown, which would have obviously led to a magnum growth in the facts and figures and important bits of information which you would have to store. You started complying with all these requirements and lo and behold you have started to run out on storage!

So, is it time to make another huge upfront investment or is it time to think smart and save up on your capex?

HostRunWay gives you the chance for going with the 2nd option. Dearth of storage will no longer mean huge capital investment. How? Simple: Store your data in cloud!

HostRunWay, currently has two state of the art data centres, with state of the art servers and cloud storage set up.

How do you do it?

1. Partnered with the major OEMs for Hardware

2. Rental Model: Pay for exactly what you use

3. Use a P2P connectivity between the two sites to ensure low RPO, RTO

4. Scalability: Scale up or down your storage resources on the fly

5. Switch from a smart Opex model to a Capex one

Archive Data Without Time Restrictions Using Cloud Backup Solution

Every business owner or manager has realized how important it is to create a backup of business critical data and when a business is dependent on the technology for establishing contacts with clients and providers, storing files and intermediate communication, then almost every sort of data becomes essential for the business that as a result makes the backup solutions critical. Cloud backup, also known as online backup, is a strategy for creating back-up of data that includes sending a copy of data files over a public or proprietary network to an off-site server. This server is basically hosted and managed by a third-party service provider, who bills the backup customer with a fee as per the bandwidth, capacity and number of users.

Every business owner or manager has realized how important it is to create a backup of business critical data and when a business is dependent on the technology for establishing contacts with clients and providers, storing files and intermediate communication, then almost every sort of data becomes essential for the business that as a result makes the backup solutions critical. Cloud backup, also known as online backup, is a strategy for creating back-up of data that includes sending a copy of data files over a public or proprietary network to an off-site server. This server is basically hosted and managed by a third-party service provider, who bills the backup customer with a fee as per the bandwidth, capacity and number of users.

Third-party cloud back-up is gaining popularity for use in homes and small offices as it is very convenient. There isn’t any requirement for capital expenditures on additional hardware and backups can be run blindly that means they do not need any manual intervention and can be run automatically. In the enterprises, cloud backup solutions are significantly utilized for archiving the non-critical data. On the other hand, traditional back-up is an ideal solution for the critical data that needs short Recovery Time Objective(RTO) as there are some restrictions regarding the transfer of data in a particular amount of time over a network. Whenever there is a need to recover large amount of data, there will be a need of external storage media.

Difference between the traditional backup and cloud backup solution:

In terms of amount of data, cloud storage is best when the protection is required for less than 100 GB per 1 Mb of network bandwidth. For example, 100 GB will be backed by a 1 Mb WAN connection (such as DSL). And the traditional backup techniques are more appropriate for the environments that have limited network connectivity.

In terms of rate of change, cloud storage seems to be best when the rate of change is less than 10% of the entire data per month. And Traditional backup methods like local disk and tape, with tape transport off-site are efficient for data that changes frequently.

Hence, choose the one that suits your business requirements as well as budget restrictions.

Facts You Must Know About Us :)

In the enterprises, cloud backup solutions are significantly utilized for archiving the non-critical data. On the other hand, traditional back-up is an ideal solution for the critical data that needs short Recovery Time Objective(RTO) as there are some restrictions regarding the transfer of data in a particular amount of time over a network. Whenever there is a need to recover large amount of data, there will be a need of external storage media.

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HostRunWay always helps you to choose your Best Server as per your Apps Needs

Using HostRunWay's Cloud services to store information and applications can be beneficial to businesses of all kinds in many different ways. Probably the most obvious benefit to using cloud architectures is the fact that it can help your business cut costs. Beyond cutting costs, however, businesses will experience other benefits from using cloud architectures..

What kind of an application you want to run in the server?

You need to figure out the characteristic or the nature of the application that you want to run in the server. Doing this beforehand will help you understand the server requirement and you will be able to choose the plan accordingly.

How much RAM, hard drive and CPU is required?

While choosing a server, you must keep the basic components of it in mind. Make sure you have a clear understanding of how much CPU, hard drive space and RAM is required.

What version of database is required?

The more advanced version of database you use, the better the performance of the server will be. At the same time, it might affect the cost of the package as well. Hence, be careful to determine the database version. HostRunway offer support on wide range of data bases that includes MYSQL, MS SQL, Oracle and POSTGRE.

What kind of server managed service is required?

Server managed service is something that you should be very specific about. This is what will ensure the availability and the performance of the server. Be a little detailed while explaining the service that you require as this will help the service provider meet your requirements in the best possible way. We offer managed services support on network level, OS level, application level, back up and DR level.

VPS Hosting (80%)
Dedicated Servers (65%)
Email Hosting (55%)
Disaster Recovery (70%)
Cloud Backup (90%)