Debian is Linux based operating system. Hostrunway support on the latest versions of Debian. Debian repositories contain more than 43000 software’s. Debian is mainly known for supporting free software’s however it also provide support to download and install paid software’s as well. Debian is mainly recommended to host web servers.
OOn Debian we provide support on various software’s which includes apache, mySQL, PHP etc. We also provide database support on Debian like MY SQL, Postgre and Oracle. Hostrunway also provide support to configure C panel in your sever. C panel helps to manage your server. With the help of C panel you can configure multiple domains and create email ids as well.
Our Debian dedicated solution is flexible and easy to use. Based your requirements you can customize RAM, processor, software and storage in server. Hostrunway offer wide range of dedicated servers. Starting from cheap dedicated servers, we also offers high storage dedicated servers. We can configure various software’s like apache, PHP, Jboss etc in your server.
Various version of Centos Servers available with us are:-
Various version of Debian which we support are: -
Debian 8.1 X 86
Debian 8.1 X 64